Sailing Adventures
It is Amazing What Happens When you put a Small Boat
in the Middle of a Big Ocean
Sailing adventures can be anything from the slightly adventuresome
cruise, to a single handed round the world passage. They are
enjoyed by both armchair sailors and adventurers alike. Sailing
adventures can come in the form of a race, or simply from
one person's desire to do something a little bit off the beaten
path. Either way, some of the best sea stories around come
from the tales of sailing adventures.
Sailing Adventures for Participants:
The Maine Coast - The ultimate cruising destination in
the United States
Sweden - The best cruising ground in the world?
Marion Bermuda Race
- The annual race from Marion Massachusetts to Bermuda.
Ocean Racing - For people who don't get along with others,
this can be a good option
Bound Sailing Adventures - Discover more than 500 adventures
that challenge your limits in some of the most beautiful settings
in North America and beyond. Whichever you choose, you'll
grow in ways you never imagined. These guys do some really
unbelievable sailing. They cram you into tiny boats and force
you to sail in some really miserable conditions.
Sailing Adventures for Armchair Sailors and for those
Looking to Plan their Own Adventure:
of Arabella - Notes from the Poopdeck -A periodic, sometimes
monthly, account of the Adventures of Arabella and her crew
Freaks - We purchased Bluewater when she was in Portland,
Oregon, 90+ miles up the Columbia River. During the spring
of 2006 we sailed and motored downriver to Astoria. In mid-June
2006, we crossed the Columbia River Bar and headed for Neah
Bay, the Strait of Juan de Fuca and on to Port Angeles, Washington
Crew Log - This is the ongoing story of Amberella's adventures
and her crew, which started in 1998. After a year of rebuilding
the boat, sailing out of Turkey, we have traveled westward
through the Mediterranean Sea, winter in Spain and plan to
cross oceans soon. Take some time to browse in older entries
to get a full impression on what it is like to become a sailor...;-),and
how we did refit a boat, while the it was at sea... If you
always wanted to know how such a project can be done with
little experience and budgets. Here is how "we just try
to do it"!...
Voyage to Mexico - Blog about sailing to Mexico.
- Joe Siudzinski is a retired engineering director, a life-long
multihull sailor on San Francisco Bay, and now the owner of
a Seawind 1000 cruising catamaran named KatieKat. Joe and
his wife Kathy are recording their open-ended cruise from
Sydney (Australia) on this website. The cruise so far has
covered the entire east coast of Australia (including Tasmania)
in 2000-2002, New Caledonia in 2000, the sail to New Zealand
via Lord Howe Island in late 2002, some coastal cruising and
touring of New Zealand in 2003, the passage to Fiji, the Fiji
MiniCruise, the passage to New Caledonia, the revisit of New
Caledonia, the 'interesting' passage from New Caledonia to
Australia in late 2003, and the Australian coastal cruising
and inland touristing in 2004. In August 2004, KatieKat was
shipped to Vancouver, British Columbia. After a very brief
Fall British Columbia cruise and sitting out the winter in
Washington State, KatieKat spent 2005 wandering through British
Columbia and SouthEast Alaska, including Glacier Bay. In September
2005, Joe and Kathy sailed KatieKat down the northwest US
coast home to San Francisco Bay. Joe and Kathy resumed cruising
in October, 2006, sailed down the California coast to Baja
California, then spent the winter sailing down to Mazatlan
and Puerto Vallarta and then back up, exploring the Sea of
Cortez. After "Baja Bashing" up the coast to Southern
California in April 2007 and a summer break to have the boat
lengthened in San Diego, Joe and Kathy sailed home and arrived
in San Francisco Bay on 1 September, 2007, and have temporarily
suspended cruising.
- A true around the world sailing adventure.
Bliss - Through this site, we are keeping our friends,
family and acquaintances apprised of our progress and our
experiences. Our story begins with the specifications and
building of our new Catana 431 catamaran, called Pacific Bliss,
in 2000. In November of that year, we began the adventure
of a lifetime, sailing out of Canet, near Perpignan, France
on the Mediterranean Sea. By June of 2001, we had completed
Voyage 1, sailing 9800 nautical miles from France via the
Panama Canal to San Diego. By November of 2002, we had completed
Voyage 2, sailing from San Diego to the Marquesas and on through
the South Pacific to Fiji. By November of 2003 we had sailed
halfway around the world,completing Voyage 3. During 2004,
we sailed up the coast of Queensland, Australia on our Voyage
4. During Voyage 5, we sailed from Mackay Australia, to Langkawi
Malaysia, another 5,000 miles. Voyage 6 took us all the way
from Thailand to Turkey, through such risky areas as Pirate
Alley and the Red Sea, with port stops in countries such as
Oman, Yemen, Eritrea, Sudan, Egypt and Israel. We have now
sailed over 28,000 nautical miles during our circumnavigation
to date.
- Sailing around the world alone with Carina (19 ft boat)
- Welcome to aboardvalkyrie.com: the online source for keeping
up with Ryan as he avoids the "real world" and lives
as a floating nomad aboard Valkyrie. This site tracks his
earlier travels since an Atlantic crossing in June 2000.
of Adagio - We moved aboard Adagio on May 31, 2007, after
selling both of our homes. We have created this site so that
our friends can keep track of us during our travels. We spent
the summer of 2007 in New England, shaking the boat down,
and we sailed to the Eastern Caribbean in November.
of Felix - You've stumbled upon the cruising page for
FELIX, a 34ft Performance Cruising Gemini 105Mc catamaran,
based in North Carolina and cruising the East coast and Caribbean.
- Previously Lauri G.com, this site continues to tell the
story of Aliisa and her sail around the world. The older LauriG
files are in their own section, link on the right. Finland.
The new section, Aliisa.net starts with Aliisa in Finland.
Add Aliisa sinking, Lauri G. and Annina getting married, Aliisa
freezing. Truly a new beginning.
Voyages - This is the voyage of the AmberChan family.
Over the next period of time, some of you will join us aboard
Encanto. Before you travel to us we would like to make sure
that staying on board a sailing vessel is in a lot of ways
very different form the vacation you might be used to spent
in a hotel or a campground. Many stories are told among the
cruising community about disillusioned guests that later became
known as “The guests from hell”. Most likely,
these guest will also tell stories about the “Crew from
Hell” when they return home…
Odyssey - A river voyage--an epic journey through the
Americas--that's the dream. The dreamer is Spike Hampson and
his boat is named Kobuk. He built her and named her after
a river in Alaska. And now he is taking her from Wyoming to
Buenos Aires.
- Follow the Gordon family - Mark, Katya, Cedar and Lamar
as we sail through the Great Lakes out to the East Coast and
down to the Caribbean.
- Mike and Linda dreamed of retiring and sailing away to explore
exotic places around the world. In January 2005, at age 57,
they were able to make the dream a reality. They retired,
sold their house and furniture, bought a Hylas 49 sloop, and
started living the dream.
Vancouver Island - A story about circumnavigating Vancouver
Express - Solo sailing attempt around the world via Arctic
North West Passage
Sea - The New World has completed its voyage, and this
site remains a record of the experience although it will no
longer be updated.
Cruise - New York - Azores - Brest
- Baloo is in San Carlos, Sonora, Mexico while Nick, Cindi
and Nat are in Maine this winter.
- Réussir le grand départ ! Beaucoup d'informations
incontournables pour naviguer loin et longtemps.
Chronicles - Adventures of the Chinese "junk"
- I’m a 26 year old Australian, currently sailing singlehanded
from Holland to Melbourne, Australia on a 26ft British sailing
vessel named ‘Constellation‘.
- We are 3 police-officers from Norway, on a trip around the
world by sail. We quitted our jobs, sold our earthly belongings
and headed for the Seven seas, looking for adventures and
experiences. Follow us in our happy and sad situations, in
our new way of life.
Cruising Adventures - Welcome to the website for our sailing
and cruising adventures. We created this website as a way
to keep in touch with our family and friends, sharing our
experiences along the way.
- Here we will share our journeys of going from landlubbers
to living aboard to full-time cruisers. We will share with
you our progress from making the decision to purchasing the
boat, our lessons learned, outfitting, and departure. Our
dream is very simple, to lead a life of simplicity and self
sufficiency, travel the waters to new and exciting places,
and share our adventures with you.
- Information about sailing and driving around the world including
detailed accounting.
Aweigh - To follow the sailing adventures, go to Ship's
Log, select an entry by date and double click on it to read
more...OR select any hyperlink to the left and double click
to view it.
Logs - This is our web site to bring you the comings
and goings of our Caribbean cruise, that began November 1,
Motion - Read about New Zealand adventures
Sea - The New World has completed its voyage, and this
site remains a record of the experience although it will no
longer be updated.
of Arne - In the summer of 1995, after some years of planning
and preparation, my friend Sarah and I gave up our jobs in
the City of London to take a year off and sail across the
Atlantic to the Caribbean. The original plan was to do the
standard "Atlantic Circuit" and sail the boat back
to England the following year. But when we were there, we
liked it so much that we decided to leave the boat there,
go home to earn some more money, then come back and carry
on. This we did, returning last February for Trinidad Carnival.
Lepervanche's Web Adventures - We started our journey
as retired officers of the Venezuelan Navy.
This is our log dedicated to those who steer their life's
ships and always find the sun after the storms. Mail us if
you want to join us on this journey.
- Travels Across the Seas - Chasamba is a steel Van der
Stadt design, 36 feet in length and central cockpit, built
in Israel by Asa Bentur.
of Gypsy Soul - This chronicle begins in 2004, however
my journey aboard the 42 foot cutter Gypsy Soul began 4 years
earlier from a derelict boat yard near the Mexican border
of South Texas. Eventually I will edit the early years of
my missives to mom and friends, which I faithfully began upon
the embarkation of a childhood dream. For entertainment’s
sake to all sailors, my foolhardy and reckless early years,
from lake sailing armchair circumnavigator, to Pacific crossing
single-hander, will hopefully make this site by late 2006.
I must admit though, I remain foolhardy and reckless.
Moon- Alan and Jan Pulfrey have taken early retirement
and set sail aboard Coral Moon, a 43ft sailing yacht. We took
delivery of our yacht in Breskens, Holland, on 17 Apr 01 and
cruised for over 6 years. The purpose of this web site is
to provide interested observers with updates on our adventures
to sail Coral Moon to sunnier climes. Sadly our cruising days
have ended and we have settled in Nova Scotia. The last few
entries tell the tale.
USA to Australia - Eventually I decided on "Illusion"
an Irwin Citation 39 in Bridgeport CT. I then obtained a full
survey for my own use and for insurance purposes.
Clayoquot - The dog days of school are long over, and
full-time employment is now a reality. We are looking for
escape and adventure, but it can’t take much more than
our two-week allotment of vacation. Given that the Patience
plods along at a leisurely 5.5 knots, Alaska, Northern British
Columbia and Oregon are once again out of the question. Desolation
Sound is feasible, but far too non-desolate. Barkley Sound
is a worthy destination, but we’ve already charted those
waters. The obvious choice is Clayoquot Sound.
in Taonui - Taonui was built by Dubbel & Jesse in
Norderney, Germany in 1988/89. Coryn and I purchased her in
1996. She is probably best described as a pilothouse sloop
built on traditional lines, with moderate overhangs, a full
keel and deep bilges. The rudder is hung on the back of the
keel. The propeller is in an aperture between the keel and
the rudder.
Log - The Webmaster and his wife cruised aboard their
own cruising yacht "SEEROSE" [Link], a 44' steel
ketch, for five years and realized the need for a 'one-stop'
boating resource where cruising sailors (and those in armchairs
who 'dream' of the open ocean) can find as much information
as possible on cruising, sailing, circumnavigating or crewing
the World on the Yacht Ocelot- Welcome to the Hacking
family website with Sue, Jon, Chris, and Amanda on Ocelot,
our 45-foot Wauquiez designed catamaran. We've been on this
trip since December 2001, sailing from the northeast Caribbean
through the Panama Canal, across the South Pacific, and into
the Indian Ocean.
- World Voyaging, Sailing, & Hylas 54 Specs - Celebrating
our 11th Anniversary of Cruising - 1997 - 2008
Sailing - Welcome to the website of Doug and Judy Decker!
We are cruising aboard the sailing vessel LIMERENCE. After
retiring from jobs in Wisconsin, selling our home and cars,
and bidding farewell to family and friends, we were truly
footloose and fancy free to begin traveling on our sailboat.
We lived aboard for two years in San Diego while outfitting
our 1985 Beneteau 375. We cast off the dock lines in the fall
of 2000 to join the Baja Ha Ha cruising rally to Cabo San
Lucas Mexico
the Sailor and her 28-foot sailboat INSPIRED INSANITY
Eelyos -
The Site of the Sailing Vessel Eelyos
- Living our dream! Welcome to our cruising site!
- The plan for a looong voyage has been there for a long time.
No one knows exactly when the 10. of June 2004 or 2005 was
put up as the departure date, but it could have been around
2000. The Plan was there also before that, but from about
2000 the plan became more real. The 10. of June was chosen,
because this was the date two friends of Eivind left Norway
for their looong sailing trip, in the boat “Gefion”,
some years earlier. Because of practical reasons the date
was later adjusted to 3. of July, and the year was set to
Goes South - Adventures in a small boat on a big sea
- Tre män i en båt gav sig ut på haven för
att segla runt jorden och dela allt, mat och kojplats, liksom
solsken och stormar. Det här är hemsidan om vår
- I'm a *itch with a ketch! Absolute beginner! Jumping in
at the deep end! Bridget Jones with a massive boat! Will I
sink or have another gin? Will I ever feel okay about descaling
fish? How long before I have problems with my head? All these
questions and so much to moor.
Tolerance - For over thirty eight years the Bruce Roberts
Group, with input from many designers, shipwrights, builders
and owners, have been drawing detailed plans for sailboats
and powerboats with the home boatbuilder specially in mind.
These designs range in size from 5.8 mts to 20 mts and can
be built in many different materials. We have designs in steel
or aluminium in either multichine, radius chine or round bilge
hull forms. Most designs are also in fibreglass using either
c-flex, foam sandwich or single skin hull construction methods
or in cold moulded ply or strip plank using what is commonly
know as wood epoxy boatbuilding. Thousands of designs marketed
as Roberts designs have been built in backyards and successfully
sailed around the world.
Log - A journal of Jack van Ommen’s circumnavigation
started in February 2005 from the Pacific Northwest through
the South Pacific, South East Asia, the Indian Ocean then
around the Cape of Good Hope, across the Atlantic Ocean to
the June 2007 arrival on the Chesapeake Bay. To be continued
in 2008 with a North Atlantic crossing to Europe and an eventual
return to the Americas.
of Years - "Flight of Years" is not just the
name of a boat. It is a lifetime, the journey of a lifetime,
and a dream. Some dreams are born in an instant; others mature
over time. My dream, my Flight of Years, began nearly forty
years ago and has grown quietly ever since until, finally,
it is no longer a dream. Now it is reality. Join me on the
journey. It is only just beginning.
- We're Jim and Jean Foley, two amateur sailors who've been
married for nearly 35 years and sailing together for even
Days Before the Mast - What am I Supposed to do with all
These Ropes and Why is this Person Yelling at me?
Fram Building
and Sailing Pages - Building an Ian Farrier designed F-39
Radical - My wife (Julie Gifford) and myself (Ed Kettyle)
have finished our circumnavigation of the world on a sail
boat. The adventure started about 1996 in our home town of
Peterborough Ontario Canada. We purchased a 44' Cartwright
cutter which was moved to our front yard in the subdivision
we lived in. We thought it would take a year to make the changes
necessary to go to sea. It ended up taking almost three years
and heaps of money. Undaunted we continued on accumulating
over 10000 hours of work between us at night, weekends and
Slocum - The first man to sail around the world alone.
- Galena is a Westsail 32, hull number 511 built in 1975.
Her basic specifications are that of a standard factory-finished
model with the fore-aft saloon table option.
- We are the Brosius Family and we liveaboard our Formosa
51' Ketch sailboat in Seattle, WA. Our plan is to cruise locally
until 2012 and then head to the South Pacific and wherever
our curiosity takes us thereafter.
- These pages are intended for fellow cruisers and those of
you who are thinking about cruising or living aboard.
West - Round the World trip.
Jelly Travelogue - Warm weather cruising and adventuring.
Adventures - I worked for a major aerospace company untill
the end of April 04. I then ran out my saved up vacation,
and retired on June 30, 2004. We are currently living aboard
Guenevere, our Nor'Sea 27. We moved aboard her in September
of 1996. From that time on we lived aboard and took this time
to prepare the boat, and ourselves to take the big jump into
cruising. Our grand plan is: "Go south till the butter
melts, and stay there" Well, we sort of plan on south
and west. I'll be updating our Cruising Page frequently, so
check back often!
of Gold - Welcome to the official web page of the sailing
vessel Heart of Gold and her crew, Thane and Tami. Navigating
around this site will guide you through a few of the adventures
that we have experienced while sailing Heart of Gold through
some of the most beautiful and exciting areas in the United
States and the Western Caribbean.
How to
Go Cruising ... Now - The purpose of this website is to
encourage you to live your cruising dream, to do it now with
whatever resources you have, because life is too short for
- Arctic sail adventure & mountain expedition
- Sailing Vessel INTENTION is a Crealock 37, Owner and Captain
Jim Marco. To learn more, see About Intention. The Journal
is a collection of emails from INTENTION while under way,
as well as other items relating to the vessel, the voyage,
and the crew.
Siren- Island Siren is a 1976 Vagabond47. We purchased
her and did a complete refit that took 4 years. She is now
our home as we travel. This web site is intended to let our
family and friends share our adventure. For those of you that
happen to find it, it will also give you some information
about us, the boat, and the process of how we came to retire
on a sailboat. We hope you find it interesting and enjoy visiting
of Hamilton - Welcome aboard the sailing vessel Jockslodge
of Hamilton as she sets sail on a journey of adventure and
exploration throughout the seven seas
- Hi, I’m Bianca. Mike and I began sailing in 1993 after
being introduced to it by friends. We purchased our first
sailboat, a Hunter 23.5' brand new and called her Ditteaux.
Sailing quickly became our passion and we knew right from
the start that we wanted to sail full time once we retire.
- Simply put: we want our cake and eat it too! We own and
operate a very small business (Advanced Research Corporation)
that specializes in Information Security. We own a small house
on wooded acreage near Washington DC. We have a burning desire
to build a business that is compatible with the boating community.
And we like to cruise the East Coast and the Caribbean. We
do not want to sell our house (it's home), we do not want
to give up our business (we enjoy it and we have an impact)
and we don't want to merely daysail.
Sailing and Cruising Adventures - Sailing Ka'imi with
Mike & Kim
- 'Kestrel' is a 1976 32-foot Bristol sloop, continuously
improved over 28 years by owners, always with serious blue
water work in mind. After a shakedown cruise from Chesapeake
Bay to Bermuda and back in 2001, Kestrel was prepared for
more ambitious plans. In the late Spring of 2005, she set
sail for Ireland, which was the first leg of a 2 - year Atlantic
circle. Since that first trans-Atlantic passage, Kestrel has
toured Scotland (the lower Hebrides in June and July of 2006),
then, after a brief return to Ireland, Spain (La Coruna),
Portugal, Madeira, the Canary Islands, then finally back across
the Atlantic to the Caribbean. For that classic trade-wind
passage in December 2006, John single-handed Kestrel the 3000-odd
nautical miles from Tenerife in the Canaries to Martinique,
where Kathy came aboard for the ensuing five months of cruising
up the Antilles and Bahamas before the final leg home from
Green Turtle Cay to Beaufort Inlet in North Carolina, thence
up “the ditch” to Chesapeake Bay. Kestrel has
been at her home port in Deale, Maryland, since June, 2007.
La Otra
Sails - Mike tells about what's happening in the boating
Cat - We retired from the hectic rat race in September
2007 and are starting "The Rest Of Our Lives" by
cruising around the world in our beloved Lagoon 440 catamaran,
Leu Cat.
Too - This web site is essentially a story about a man
and his boat...a personal chronicle of discovery. I do not
pretend that it's more, and I encourage visitors to recognize
it for what it is. Many will have perspectives, opinions,
and stories that differ from my own, and that is to be expected.
But others may not have a base of experience and knowledge
to form opinions one way or the other...they are either beginning
or still forming their own ideas of how to select, sail, or
cruise in their boat. It is for this latter group that I hope
this site proves most useful. In either case, I hope that
my story will be enjoyable and will help you sail safely and
confidently in whatever waters and winds you may encounter.
Aboard a Sailboat - Join me as I maintain the many systems
and keep this Sailboat afloat and looking good!
Afloat - my world aboard sailing vessel event horizon
- In 1998 Steve and I purchased a Rhodes Bounty II in Seattle,
Washington, and then moved her to New Mexico to get her ready
for full-time cruising. Our sailboat is named "Linda"
which means "beautiful" in Spanish. She is hull
no. 9 built in 1957. We put her in Elephant Butte Lake in
New Mexico where we spent five years rebuilding the interior.
the Dream - Cruising the canals of England and Europe.
of Pogopelli - The adventures of Bob & Trish aboard
Pogopelli, our Jeanneau Tonic 23. The newest posts are at
the top, so if this is your first visit, you may want to start
at the bottom. In fact, you may want to start with the archives
in the right-hand column. We set out on December 10th.(Day
1) The journal is chronological from that point with multiple
days on most posts, but each day is identified along with
location, so hopefully it wont be too confusing.
of Sand Dollar - Greetings, we're Cade and Lisa Johnson
- gone cruising. We set sail in mid-April 2001. Our travels
to-date are traced on the map and described in our log.
Log of
the Knotty Dog - This website has been designed for those
friends and acquaintances that wanted to follow along our
journey. We’ve taken photos and written a journal of
our experiences for all to share. Nothing professional here,
just a fun and honest interpretation of our adventure.
1 NOVEMBER 2006 TO 9 MAY 2007
Lost on
Purpose - I am... - unable to sit still - a water person
- always working on some major project - quick to figure things
out - shocked at what some people will do - excited about
my future and - trying to forget my past It's nice to move
on. I'm ready to get back out there.
Rose - Sailing with the Coplan & Bell family on our
Wauquiez Hood 38. We hope to complete a transatlantic passage
during the Summer of 2006, returning to New York in the Spring
of 2007.
- The adventures of sailing vessel Maravida and her crew.
- This website covers the two boats we have had, our various
projects with them and links to information we have found
for the two boats. Our first Maringret was a Swedish made
Maxi 95, hull 647 from 1977. We bought her in 1998 and sold
her in 2004 after 5 1/2 years and over 10,000 miles. Our second
Maringret is a Swedish made Hallberg-Rassy 41 ketch, hull
number 20 from 1976. We purchased her in late 2003 and currently
sail her.
the Sailor Dog - My Name is Matey (as in ARGGH, Matey!).
I live on a Hylas 47 Sailboat with my parents. We do bay and
coastal cruising on San Francisco Bay and we are based out
of Berkeley. My family just purchased Pura Vida in November
2007 after our return from our year of cruising Mexico and
Hawaii aboard Pacifica an Ericson 39B, we are just starting
our life with her.
Out - Welcome to Maxingout.com. This website chronicles
our adventures on board Exit Only, a twelve meter catamaran
with over thirty thousand miles under her keels. Our voyage
began in 1995 and although our circumnavigation is complete,
the adventures of Exit Only continue. The journey is the destination.
- This is a website about Glenn and Janice Wilson and their
travels through the world of liveaboard cruising on their
37ft catamaran MEERCAT.
- Our original plan was to sail from Norway to the Caribbean
and back in 2006-2007. When we came to the Carribean we changed
our plans into a circumnavigation without any timelimit for
our return to Norway.
CryS.O.S - It's not about the size of your boat, but
the size of your dreams
and Bryan's Big Adventure - All good stories have a beginning,
and this one is no exception, and since the beginning is a
good place to start, that is what we will do. At some point
in our lives it dawned on us that we would like to sail (air
is cheap), possibly, around the world. That is what this site
is about, our voyages both on board S/V Nightwinds and our
personal journeys, as we grow and learn from these experiences.
and Linda's Sailing Adventure - Integrity - 1977 Aleutian
Reports Guenevere - The purpose of this group is to allow
relatives and friends of Greg and Jill Delezynski, to receive
e-mail updates of their travels aboard the Nor’Sea 27
Sailing Vessel Guenevere.
S/V Windom
Logs - These are the voyages of the sailboat Windom, a
Caliber 40LRC owned by Britt Bassett and Ilana Stern of Durango,
Colorado. Our five year mission -- wait, wrong show.
of Snow Goose - When we set out on our sailing adventure
over 10 years ago, we never could have imagined the incredible
experiences we would encounter along the journey we were about
to begin. It's not all a "Champagne and Caviar"
life as any live aboard cruiser will testify, but the good
times seem to always outweigh the bad in a strange sort of
way. While living and cruising aboard, we have been thoroughly
exposed to the many contrasts of sailing life, more than many
have experienced in a lifetime (ie. hit by waterspout, hit
by freighter, hurricanes, storms, etc.) but somehow, we will
value our years aboard as our most cherished.
on a Sailboat - I early-retired in March 2001, bought
a sailboat to live on, and have cruised Florida, the Bahamas,
east coast USA, the Mississippi river, and now down into the
Quest - Humanity has been acquiring knowledge faster
than ever before, but the wisdom to use that knowledge wisely
has lagged behind resulting in a polluted planet, weapons
of mass destruction, overpopulation and . . . (you know the
rest). Cultures that carried enough wisdom in the past to
sustain themselves for thousands of years are integrating
into the “Global Society” with their gems tossed
to the side. Sailor’s Quest is on a mission to gather
wisdom from around the planet so we can all use it to create
a sustainable world.
the Dream - An Autobiographical Odyssey -- The Querencia
Sailing Yacht
JoHo - We are done with the process of dressing up and
enhancing our new JoHo, just maintenance from now on (we hope).
Next years we will extensively cruise the Caribbean, Bahamas
and USA together and with friends and family.
- Sailing adventures from around the world. Katriana was a
freelance translator in Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Bahasa
Indonesian and Malay. She has travelled completely around
the world twice and has lived most of her adult life in Mexico,
Brazil and Asia. Her daughter, Lanika, has traveled with her
from the time she was 3 years old until she turned 13, when
they moved to California.
- In November of 2003, Peter was in Richmond, California,
preparing his new 32’ Rhodes Traveler to sail around
the world. He was minding his own business in the marina laundry
room when a young woman walked in. They got to talking. “So...
what kind of boat do you have?” she asked, flirtatiously.
He told her. “Mine’s bigger,” she declared.
And so, a love-affair was born.
on a Sailboat - I early-retired in March 2001, bought
a sailboat to live on, and have cruised Florida, the Bahamas,
east coast USA, the Mississippi river, and now down into the
- As you might guess from the title of this website and the
picture, sailing is what this website is about. Sailing has
been my primary interest since I was a teenager, working summers
at a camp just off Lake Michigan north of Muskegon. When I
moved to the Washington DC area in 1971, I took advantage
of my proximity to the Chesapeake Bay to purchase my first
Last Resort
Home Page - In 2003 we outfitted the boat for our trip
south including adding solar panels, a water maker, roller
furling, a new heads'l and a pactor modem so we could use
sailmail while on passages.
Liberty Sailing
Voyages - On or about September 21st of 2003 our voyage
will begin. We will sail first to the Chesapeake Bay and spend
sometime in the area. Then we'll sail down the ICW to Fort
Peirce FL. We will stay there to provision Cybersail and wait
till the hurricane season to end, then to the Carribean. While
we are in FL we will visit with Wolf and Joanne of SV Absolut
which did this trip the year before. We then continued out
to the Bahamas Cybersail got totaled from Huricanne Jeanne.
We came back to Florida to purchase another boat. We then
Purchased Liberty a 1985 Hunter 40 Nov. of 2004. We started
to refit Liberty for the trip back to the Bahamas.
- Hi, my name is Bruno and I am happy to welcome you. As a
cameraman, helicopter pilot or around the world sailor, adventure
took me to some of the most remote places of our planet such
as Papua-New Guinea, China, Iceland, Alaska, Africa and more...
Expedition - Mahina Expeditions, sailing and navigation
training expeditions around the globe and offers offshore
sailing seminars and boat consultation services.
Logs - Log of the sailboat "Magnolia"
- Sailing Around The World - The wind was called Meriah...
and yes this graceful 50 foot ketch does move like the wind.
Her Captain, Larry Peck, along with his partner, Nicky and
their daughter, Victoria Christina, will introduce you to
the magic and romance of Sailing Ships and the Sea. Join them
with this evolving site as they begin their ten year voyage
of adventure and discovery aboard this classic vessel.
Mico Verde
- What can be said about the Westsail 32 that hasn’t
been said a thousand times before? You either love ‘er
or your hate ‘er but I question the motive of anyone
who thinks they can find a better yacht for $55k that will
get you to Tahiti and back.
- Circumnavigating around the World - Minuit (Midnight in
French) is the name of a Belgian sailing boat which is circumnavigating.
We would like to share this experience with you. Our goal
is not to cover thousands of nautical miles but to travel
at leisure, to meet men and women having different cultures
and also sailors like us.
All Those Who Wander Are Lost - This itinerary is a brief,
proposed outline of what we have in mind for the next four
years. The dates are based primarily on weather patterns (avoiding
hurricane seasons and benefiting from favorable winds). The
dates give us flexibility to spend more time in places we
like and less time in places we don’t…as determined
by either us or Mother Nature.
of Bounds - 3 years and 30,000 miles on a 46 foot sailboat
Cup - San Francisco to Kane`ohe Bay, Hawai'i
Wandering Website - In May 2005 we completed a remarkable
transatlantic journey, this time with our new homebaked crew,
and certainly plenty of other visitors aboard. You can relive
the crossing by clicking on "Latest."
Crews Page - The Mediterranean has a magic all its own.
From the ruins of the ancients to the future just ahead. Warm
weather, clear water and the people set the stage. The local
wildlife adds to the ambiance. We continue to be amused, amazed
and generally happy with this cruising life.
- Perrovida is a 1978 36' Islander Freeport.
Around the world on the yacht Prrrfection.
Johnson - A great American sailing adventurer
Voyage - We’re glad you are aboard to join us for
our voyage as we travel the world’s oceans. This site
is designed for our family and friends to accompany us on
our passages and to help those sailors, armchair and otherwise,
who may wish to follow in our wake to their own cruising destinations.
Some of the information is designed to educate our landlubberly
friends who have never sailed and other areas are for those
preparing their boats for ocean crossings. We hope there will
be plenty here to inform and entertain everyone
Tiki - Kon-Tiki was the raft used by Norwegian explorer
and writer Thor Heyerdahl in his 1947 expedition across the
Pacific Ocean from South America to the Polynesian islands.
It was named after the Inca sun god, Viracocha, for whom "Kon-Tiki"
was said to be an old name. Kon-Tiki is also the name of the
popular book that Heyerdahl wrote about his adventures.
Bree - A potentially hazardous method of crossing the
- We are on a new adventure in our lives. After graduating
from college and immediately beginning to work while raising
a family, it's time to try something new. We are cruising
full time on our sailboat, Orion, starting in the Chesapeake
Bay and moving farther afield as we gain experience and confidence.
Initially, we committed to sailing for one year, but decided
to continue for a bit longer, since we enjoyed it so much.
BlueSphere - "Project BlueSphere" is the first
interactive, on-line,travel adventure show of its kind. Not
only will you have access to "BlueSphereTV," our
broad- band TV show, but you will be able to vote on destinations,
communicate with the ship, and navigate your way around the
world with me. Whether it's beautiful sandy beaches, storms,
foreign ports, or equipment failures, one thing is for sure,
this adventure will be far from boring. Join today and take
the adventure of a lifetime.
- The voyage of the sailing vessel Quintessence.
A small family taking one step at a time, making their way
around the world aboard their Tayana 37.
- Ramprasad is a 37'6" ferrocement Hartley Golden Cowrie
ocean cruising yacht. She was bought as a incomplete project
in 1985, and launched 11 years later for the first time on
1st August 1996 at Sussex Yacht Club in Shoreham-by-Sea in
Sussex after quite a lot of work. Here is a picture of Sam
and Ramprasad in Falmouth on Saturday 16th June 2001 on completion
of the 4th Atlantic crossing.
Raptor Dance
- Voyages and Adventures on our Valiant 50 Sailboat
Voyage - We are Mike and Rana and we are sailing Raven
on an open-ended voyage around the world. As we explore, we
would like you to come with us. We will be updating our Ship’s
Log and Photos pages as we go along. See our Home page to
find where in the world we are currently located.
Journey - The purpose of this website is for family,
friends, and those interested, to log on and follow the progress
of Reiver's voyage down the Pacific coast of the Americas
and to Europe from Victoria Canada.
and Crew - In 1991 we joined Texas Mariners Cruising Association.
With TMCA we learned there was a whole world beyond Red Fish
Island. We cruised wherever the club was going.
- 2006 sailing plans: Mexico, El Salvador, Honduras, Costa
Rica, Panama, Ecuador, Peru, Chile...
Welcome to R home page. S/V RDreamz is currently out cruising
off the West Coast of the United States or sailing off the
Central or South American Coast. The all depends on which
way the wind is blowing and what time of year it is? Please
come in put your feet up, pop a cold drink and look around.
If you see something that is wrong it was not my fault. Not
sure who I can blame it on, at this time but it could not
possibly be my fault. I am the skipper after all, don't you
know. If you see something cool or neat it was all my doing...OF
Read Family
Adventures - This site was built to keep our family and
friends up to date on our sailing trip which started June
of 2005 in Seattle, Washington. We have so far sailed as far
north as Glacier Bay, Alaska and currently have made it to
southern Mexico. Having spent the summer of 2007 in Puerto
Vallarta, we have departed south for Panama.
- After falling in love with sailing in 2005 and getting our
first sailboat, Mandala, a Catalina 36, and sailing her all
over California in 2006, we have decided to take the next
big step and try full time cruising for the next couple of
years. So, here in March 2007, we have purchased Rhapsody,
the boat, to take us where she may !
- Roshambo, our new floating home. Check here for photos,
regularily updated blog and stories of our adventures. Stuart,
Florida is our homeport. Myself, Scott and my wife Amy and
our two Italian Greyhounds Oscar and Isabelle call Roshambo
our home!
Billabong - We, Chris Myles & K.T. Roddick, started
our "around the world" adventure on December 18,
2003 from Ventura, California. To date we have sailed over
22,000 nautical miles; cruising Mexico, the Marquesas, Tuamotus,
French Polynesia, Cook Islands, Tonga, New Zealand, Fiji,
Tuvalu, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Vanuatu, New Caledonia,
Australia, Indonesia, and Singapore. Our adventures will continue,
taking us through Malaysia to Thailand, across the Indian
Ocean to the Red Sea, and through the Mediterranean to the
Caribbean. We will finish our trip on the Eastern Coast of
the United States.
Makanikai - Our dream is very simple. We would like to
spend at least one year, possibly more sailing around the
world together as a family. We don’t necessarily want
to go “around” the world as in a circumnaviagaiton,
just around the world to visit interesting places and see
interesting cultures. We want to take time while are children
are young and impressionable to teach them about the world
they live in, both with respect to the natural wonders of
the world as well as the fascinating people and cultures that
inhabit it. We want to slow down the pace of life and enjoy
life and our children together as a family.
- The Sailing Adventures of the Parks' Family
Aquamarine- This site is your window to the adventures
and lives of Chris, Beth, and Yvette Lab while sailing through
the tropical Americas. Set up for family and friends, these
pages contain logs, updates, and pictures.
Adventures of Peter & Lyndall - We're the kind of
family who love walking along the beach making plans for the
future. For many years it was our time to dream of impossible
adventures, seemingly well outside our reach and when we saw
a yacht on the horizon all we could do was to wish for a miracle.
So after many years of dinghy sailing and the family finances
looking dismal we made our first move to "see the world".
The change we could afford was for me to take a job in Papua
New Guinea, on secondment from my Government telecommunications
job in Australia. This was to change all our lives. It lead
to a truly global outlook for all our children and it lead
us to Taiwan and our first cruising yacht, Dulcinea
on Lake Michigan- Sharon Lee is a swing keel 1973 Catalina
22, purchased in March 2001. During the sailing season she
is at a slip at Great Lakes Naval Training Center, north of
Chicago IL (near Waukegan). She is the perfect boat for me-
I can sail her easily by myself, or she can easily accomodate
the family, even overnight!
on the Rocks - Hemsidan är tänkt att utgöra
en inspirationskälla till andra sjöbusar som seglar
den underbara havskryssaren Albin Vega. Här delar vi
med oss av de erfarenheter och förbättringar vi
gjort på vår Albin Vega 705, S/Y On the Rocks.
Life at Sea - Solo crossing the Java Sea.
Quest - Bringing you wisdom from around the world.
- In the spring of the year 2003 Dena Hankins and James Lane
moved aboard the Sailing Vessel Sapien as her third and, we
thought at the time, her last crew. We set out to discover
as much of this planet Earth as we could with this incredible
vessel and indeed we did.
- Our "Blue Water Cruising" started 14 years ago,
but we are still only half ways around the globe. Our intention
was never to do a circumnavigation, but we want to be where
the sun is shining, the water is warm and the wind is blowing
from behind. Now that the trade winds have taken us to "down
under", there's no other sensible route back to Europe
than continuing westwards.
and Sue Sail Away - On June 12, 2005, having sold house
and possessions, Scott, Sue and Gracie the cat left Chicago
aboard our 30 foot sailboat, Enee Marie, bound for the Florida
keys and beyond. Follow along here as we make our way through
the Great Lakes to NYC to points south.
- This is a site from sailors interested in Sailing, Cruising
and the Maritime Environment for people with a similar interest.
Sailing - After crossing the Atlantic from the Bahamas
to southern Portugal in 2004, I have been crusing the Mediterranean
on board my 32-foot East Orient sailboat, Eidos.
The SeaYeti is our 41 foot Morgan OI-416 Ketch. She adopted
us in 2005 in St Petersburg Florida. Crewed full time by the
two of us, we have started this adventure by departing the
Florida coastline with a license to learn and have been learning
ever since.
Cup Cruise- Maine cruising
Sea Fever
World Cruise - During our crossing of the Atlantic Sea
in December 2002, Rob and I crossed the half-way mark of our
circumnavigation of the globe. The Sea Fever Journal II begins
with our Atlantic Crossing in December 2002/January 2003.
Previous journal entries may be read in the Archive Journal
file. These journal entries cover five years of sea adventure
from Australia (1998) through the Mediterranean Sea, 2002.
Sea - Welcome to the website home of Charmaine and Bill,
a chronicle of sorts of our adventures while sailing and living
aboard a 1984, 36-foot, full-rig, Lancer sailboat sloop, named
s/v (s/v = sailing vessel) "September Sea."
- Welcome to the web site for our Bahamas cruise 2007-2008.
We hope you'll enjoy following our
travels. We'll be keeping logs, taking pictures and passing
along most anything that we find of interest.
- SolWeb was created for family and friends interested in
Stan and MJ's lives in Colinas de Santiago, a suburb of Manzanillo,
Colima, Mexico. We kicked off our life in Mexico cruising
aboard our Valiant 40, SolMate, and have since settled into
the SolCasa RanaQuemada.
Soggy Paws
- In these pages you will find the story of the sailing
vessel Soggy Paws, her crew Sherry and Dave, and her trip
around the world.
- Adventures of Spartina
- Sailing the Caribbean is supposed to be easy and it was.
The problem's I had in the Caribbean was mostly because of
my own lack of experience. When me and my Canadian friend
Darryl Lehockey boarded the sailboat in Trinidad April 05.
it was my second time to set my feet in a sailboat over 24
feet and Darryl's first real sail, Ever!!!
This site is about us. Melva and Hilton Ward and of course,
Ratty, our travels on our yacht Spindrift11, our life as Leisurists
and our friends. We are Sailors, Adventurers, Travellers from
Ngunguru, New Zealand.
of Sobraon - The site will detail the preparations and
logs of the Sailing Vessel "Spirit of Sobraon" and
her crew on her maiden circumnavigation.
of the West - A journey of enlightenment with sailing
yacht "Star of the West" from early building in
Kimberley South Africa in the late 1970's to South Pacific
and Asia cruising in the 1980-90's, completion of a circumnavigation
in 2005, to presently cruising New Zealand's northern coast.
Sailing Adventures - My sailing vessel Tärna is one
of my greatest interests in life. She is my mother, my mistress
and my mother, all in one. I use her for cruising along the
swedish eastcoast. During the summer she is out sailing or
rests by a buoy at our summerhouse in Furusund's Archipelago.
& Us - Hi, we are Per and Elly. We live onboard our
Gulfstar 54 Sailcruiser called Sybaris, and spend our time
cruising in Greece, Turkey, Cyprus and Egypt (Red Sea).
Toucan- Has the grind and pressure of metropolitan life
ever frustrated you? Have you ever dreamed of sailing away
from it all into a beautiful sunset? Have you ever wished
for the excitement and intrigue of far away lands? Welcome
aboard Toucan. Join the Crosby family on their around the
world sailing adventure. Let Jim and Cyndee along with their
children Christina and Chaz show you the world you dream of
finding aboard the 40-foot sailing yacht Toucan.
- This site will tell the story of this adventure, starting
with the idea, the planning and then with the logbook of our
travels and our experiences. There are many great sailing
sites but here you will find the views and experiences of
two people who are novices in the sailing and cruising world.
If we can do it, anyone can!
Admiral and Captain D - As you make your way through the
pages of our site, we hope you will enjoy getting to know
us a bit. We will continue to update and add to our site daily.
We want to create a site which will entertain, inform, help
keep connections. We will offer information for experienced
and novice sailors and for people who may dream about this
lifestyle. I say lifeSTYLE because IF you have a boat, your
life changes drastically. There is always something to do
on a boat. Unless you are someone who hires all his/her work
done on boat, you will develop an extra "hobby"
by just keeping her up.
Adventures of Estrella - Estrella is a 1977 Chung Hwa
Magellan 36
Adventures of Icarian - The Voyages of Brian & Marilyn
Hitchhicker's Guide to the Sea - Ten years ago, in a small,
sweltering Caribbean beach bar, I found my first ride on an
ocean-going sailing yacht. Kim-Sha, nestled on the ivory sands
of Simpson Bay in St. Maarten, was a typical yachtie pub fueled
with Becks beer and rum punch and full of sailors spinning
sail tales.
The Log
of Moira - In which Larry and Susan Shick set forth their
post-retirement wanderings on Moira, their 42-foot Valiant
sailboat. I (Susan) would like to share our (Larry and Susan’s)
experiences, both the highs and lows, and I will try to post
my thoughts on our additional adventures from time to time.
Regatta Diaries - Re-live the watery trials of Harlen
Leslie, Doc Farto and his crew as they transit the Gulf Coast
in search of bullets, broads and bushwhackers aboard his 39'
Gulfstar Sailmaster, Cash Bar.
Two Captains - Come aboard! This site is the communications
home port of Captains Gwen Hamlin and Don Wilson and the sailing
yacht TacklessII . Like any good home port, this site is for
family and friends to hang around and catch up on all our
latest doings which may include voyages to interesting places,
stories about people met, sagas in the engine room, or new
discoveries in the galley!
Martin Chronicles - Dave and Jaja Martin are vastly experienced
cruisers, having circumnavigated aboard a Cal 25 in the late
80s and early 90s. The Martins write with a wonderful sense
of whimsy, and we're sure you'll enjoy reading their reports
as much as we do. Most recently they spent several years north
of the Acrtic Circle with their three children on a hard chine
33-foot sloop (this adventure was immortalized the classic
narrative Into the Light). The Martin family now resides in
Maine, where they've built a little cabin in the woods, their
first home on land.
- What's a slapdash? It's the name of our boat. It's also
an adjective which should accurately describe the next 4 or
so years of our lives during an attempted world circumnavigation
on a 34 foot catamaran. There. Secret's out.
Sunflower Reports - For the majority of the past three
decades Al and Beth Liggett have been doing what most of us
only dream about--cruising. Since 1966 they've sailed over
145,000 miles, circumnavigating two-and-a-half times (once
westabout and once eastabout).For the last 29 years the Liggetts
have been cruising aboard Sunflower, a 42-foot Robert Perry
design which they commissioned. In 1990 Al and Beth received
the prestigious "Seven Seas" award from the Seven
Seas Cruising Association, commending them for their circumnavigations
and outstanding contributions to the cruising community.
Voyage of the Blackwattle - When Ted and Nancy met, introduced
by a mutual sailing friend, they were both "second time
around". Ted has one son - Julian - by a previous marriage,
and Nancy has two children - Kassandra and Simon. All are
grown and living away from home. They met in 1982, and married
a couple of years later. Having lived together for 20 years,
they are now betting that they can make the trip around the
world without killing each other on the way. - - - But you
never know. Both have led pressured working lives, with small
time for any extended holidays. Both have quit work to spend
at least three years on this journey, meaning that they are
very very poor, having spent four times the planned budget
on outfitting the boat.
The Voyage
of the Sea Muffin - The Sea Muffin and her crew are preparing
for an epic 5-year circumnavigation, baking muffins along
the way. Share in her progress, share your muffin recipes,
and help us figure out what the heck we're doing!
Voyage of Blue Sky - Jim, Emma, Phoebe & Drake plan
to sail Blue Sky on a modified Trade Wind Voyage around the
world. Blue Sky is a Down Easter 45' Ketch rigged sailboat.
She was originally constructed in Costa Mesa, California in
The Voyage
of the Swan - My wife and I decided to buy a cruising
yacht and go offshore cruising. I had done it once before
and dreamed of doing it again. I guess I talked about it enough
that she caught the fever, too, so we began to look for the
perfect blue water cruising boat.
Voyages of the Walkure - The continuing saga of the exploits
of the famous sailing vessel, Walküre. If you are new
to this site, be sure to check the archives. There you will
find posts with pictures of the boat and other useful information.
Also, scroll to the bottom of the page for a link to my Yahoo
group. Join the group and you can get emails of all updates
to the blog, and access to more pictures.
- The globe trotting adventures of Tooluka
The Ends - Rob Smith and I are sailing from Seattle to
Mexico, Central America and possibly South America.
of Yacht Sentinel - Sentinel is a Roberts 38 steel yacht
owned by Andrew and Lyn. This website is a record of our travels
after setting off from England in early 2005. There are three
kinds of page. First are cruising accounts of places visited,
second are other kinds of incident, and third is Lyn's cruising
weblog, a diary of our progress and the highs and lows of
the blue-water cruising life.
with S/Y Thetis - This is a very personal description
of the sailing trips with the S/Y Thetis, based on the boat's
log. I have been traveling in Greek and Turkish waters with
Thetis since 1984 but I have not kept a very detailed log
until 1996 when I ventured further to Malta and Sardinia.
The log is illustrated with photographs, and include some
historical and geographical descriptions of the places visited
as well as several links to related web sites.
- We are sailing around the world on NAGA, our race-winning,
high-performance 38' trimaran designed by Dick Newick, America's
greatest multihull architect. Sail with us, traveling the
world via our website. Share the places and people and experiences,
the thrills and dangers, the noise of storms and the vast
peace at sea, share the lessons and resources we've discovered
in two lifetimes of traveling on the sea.
Paradise - We are Susan and Pat Farrell, boat cruisers
who have created this website to share with you our travels
aboard our sailing vessel, Orchid Lady. Please click on the
links on the left for information about us, our boat, and
our travels.
Travels - The following links will take you to the travel
journals of Brian and Kathy Marsh on board their Alberg 37
sailboat, Tundra. They have been spending their winters cruising
“down south” since 1998
- The idea of sailing around the world was born in the summer
of 2000. Since then we have worked actively and seriously
with our idea, and developed it into a plan, that has now
become the project that we are about to realize in August
next year (2006). The circumnavigation will last at least
three years, and be the main occupation for both of us during
that period of time.
Passage - A circumnavigation of Florida
- Welcome aboard our journey as we live and cruise the Caribbean
on our Tayana 37 sailboat " Valentina "
- Hi .. I'm Terry Sargent ... a fulltime liveaboard cruiser
on the Yacht VALHALLA. I am a retired US Army officer but
now a 'sailor'! I enjoy outdoor sports ... SCUBA diving, trekking,
rappelling and mountain biking. My amateur radio operator
callsign is NH6AX (Extra Class) and I'm a Commodore in the
Seven Seas Cruising Association (SSCA)
- VALIS is a Pacific Seacraft 44, hull #16, built in the year
2002 by Pacific Seacraft in Fullerton, California. She was
designed by Bill Crealock. VALIS is cutter-rigged, and is
designed for blue-water sailing. Her owner is Paul Elliott,
and her home port is Sausalito, California, on the San Francisco
Around the World - Welcome to www.valkyrien.tk. My name
is ?stein Dj?ne and I am on a journey around the world in
my sailboat named Valkyrien. The journey started May 1, 2006
from Kopervik in Norway and now I have been sailing forI plan
to spend 52 months on my circumnavigation, something that
has been my life long dream. On this site you can read about
my plans, the preparations and follow me on my journey by
reading travelogues and see pictures.
Sailing Adventures - Bear and Kit lived aboard and cruised
in their yacht, Volant, from May 1993 until May 2005. Read
about their adventures, and the adventures of the new owners.
of Audentes - Audentes is a Valiant 40, designed by Bob
Perry. This type of sailboat has won critical acclaim due
to its suitability as both a comfortable coastal cruiser and
a rugged off-shore vessel.
Voyage of
the Bahati - Bahati.net is a website dedicated to documenting
the adventure of a lifetime. Many of us dream of simplifying
our lives, packing up, and setting-off to explore the far
corners of the earth. This website documents the story of
our family's fulfillment of that dream with the help of our
community, our extended families, many friends, old and new,
and the professionals who, through their creative collaboration
and expertise, help us climb aboard our small, sturdy, able
cutter, BAHATI, and attempt to circumnavigate the globe.
of the Marcy - Marcy left Seattle August 2006. We'll be
in New Zealand until April '08, then we'll continue west and
should be in South Africa by the end of 2008.
of Sea Trek - Sea Trek is a Mariner 40 Ketch that has
been our home and the means to realize our dream of visiting
and exploring far off places and interacting with the people
of different cultures. For 17 years we have traveled the watery
parts of the planet and fulfilled that dream.
of s/v Tamara - In the course of our cruises we have carefully
retraced the spectacular, but often difficult and challenging
route pioneered by the notable Donald MacMillan aboard the
famous wooden arctic schooner Bowdoin. Making twenty-six voyages
to the North in the Bowdoin, MacMillan was often forced close
inshore in order to skirt the pack ice, allowing him to call
at numerous villages and missions during the exceptionally
short navigation season found along this coast. Tamara would
do the same.
Voyage of Snow Goose - This website is designed to aid
all cruising sailors with updated information on destinations,
anchorages, provisioning etc.. Any one with any information
they're willing to share (passages, places, pics, etc.) or
with questions can E-mail us.
- Logs of sailor and musician Paul aboard his boat Watergeus
- Puoi leggere il nostro diario di viaggio partendo dalla
prima pagina oppure iniziare la lettura dall'area geografica
che ti interessa di più.
- CHRISTIANNE Yacht Charters (CYC) was incorporated more than
20 years ago as a live aboard cruising school and yacht delivery
service. It has since evolved to focus more on blue water
cruising and training sailors to take their own boat on long
voyages. Trips from the east coast to Bermuda are now considered
short routine voyages while the longer ones now cross major
oceans. A circumnavigation has been completed and the boat
is back in the US from Puerto Rico after the third Atlantic
Ocean crossing. Yacht deliveries anywhere in the world are
another facet of the organization. If the owner just lacks
confidence and would like to travel along for the experience
this is easily arranged.
Aboard Liberty - Ty and Suzanne have been cruising since
June 2003. We sailed north to Newfoundland, south to the Bahamas,
back to Canada, and south to the islands again, then crossed
the Atlantic Ocean to explore the Mediterranean. We’re
now back on the U.S. east coast. Here you’ll see our
photos and read about our adventures to date.
This site is an attempt to share the part of my life which
is linked to the ocean. It is my dream to travel the world
by sail and escape the societal confines which stifle the
human spirit. I hope that by creating this web site, others
may be inspired to live their dreams, whatever they might
II - Virtual voyage of Whisper II - adventures of two
people and a green boat. Welcome to the website devoted to
our journeys through the waterways of the New World. Here
you will find stories describing our adventures, photos of
exotic places we have visited so far, and soon hopefully some
articles on many interesting topics.
- Preparing Your North American Boat and Cruising in Europe
Thoughts & Suggestions by Jack & Patricia Tyler WHOOSH,
Pearson 424 Ketch #69
Voyages - Fred and Iris took a slight detour in their
lives in 1999. Not quite ready to retire, but wanting to expand
their skills and experiences in some different directions
after 20+ years in the computer business, they decided to
spend 18 months or so on a voyage of self-discovery.
Celler- Welcome to the sailing adventures of Joe &
Loretta aboard Wine Celler
- My name is Fred Roswold and I’m 61 years old. You
can think of me as a sailor man, a man of the sea, a bit rough
around the edges sometimes, who holds that he owes his obsession
with boats and the sea to his Norwegian sea captain grandfather
Alfred Roswold, and to his other Viking forbearers.
- Welcome, this Website is dedicated to our Laguna Windrose
Voyagers - A true story of the three year circumnavigation
by Philip Shelton, Amy Wood and Stewart the cat. From designing
and building a 42 foot wooden cutter "Iwalani" to
their return to Maine— this is not a watered down, sugar
coated tale, but a "no holds barred" account of
just what it's like to live a "dream."
Fiona - FIONA is a Westsail 42. My wife, Edith, and I
saw the first hull of the series under construction at Costa
Mesa, California in 1974. The salesman was very pressing and
for a small deposit we arranged to have a hull delivered in
1975. We had sold our beloved Dutch boat, IONA, a couple of
years before. On that boat we had cruised the Caribbean with
our son Colin, then 3 years old, for 15 months in 1968-69.
Both IONA and FIONA have the old-fashioned long keel of the
genuine ocean cruiser and when Edith first saw the Westsail
42 on the stocks she exclaimed, “My God, another f-ing
IONA!”. This is how FIONA got her name.
Moonshine - Newsletters from a 40 something couple who
left the rat-race to join the cruising life and sail around
the world.
Race - Steffi's idea of fun is to crew on racing sailboats!
She has been sailing since about 1987 and started racing in
1990. She has since done several Key West Race Weeks, SORC
regattas, Block Island Race Weeks, Annapolis Race Weeks, a
Kenwood Cup and the first Crystal Cup Regatta as well as a
Newport/Bermuda race.
Adventures of Robert Broussard - Images and stories from
an Antarctic voyage as well as an Alaskan adventure.
Boutique - Peter and Susan Wagner sailed aboard La Boatique,
a 41 foot Island Trader ketch, from 1998 to 2003 traveling
from Ohio to New Zealand followed by the Florida coastline.
In 2002 they purchased Haven, a 34 foot Marine Trader trawler.
They cruised the eastern United States for a year and then
got divorced. Sue was adrift sometimes anchored in Vermilion,
Ohio. Now she has found paradise in Dunedin, Florida.